The Northamptonshire Badminton League will be suspended with immediate effect.
In light of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic currently sweeping the country the NBL committee has decided to suspend all matches in the Northamptonshire Badminton League for the foreseeable future.
Many other leagues up and down the country are taking the same action including our county neighbours Leicestershire.
It is a decision we have not taken lightly and we know that many of you will be disappointed, however we feel that our members safety is paramount.
A brief outline:
• There is also a possibility of a government ban on sporting events / social gatherings (as in Italy and other countries around the world) in the near future. Many major world sporting events have been postponed.
• Northamptonshire Badminton League matches suspended from noon on Tuesday 17th March. This is a suspension of the league at present, not a cancellation of the league, all results up to noon on Tuesday 17th March will stand.
• All league clubs will be given a vote, at the AGM, on the way forward for the league (promotion / relegation decisions) once the situation resolves itself; whenever that may be.
• Clubs are to make their own minds up about club nights and to bear in mind their duty of care to their members.
Please feel free to ask any questions that you may have.
Thank you. Stay safe.
Paul Warsop
Match & Fixtures Secretary
Northamptonshire Badminton League